Become a better, more confident version of yourself than you were yesterday.

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Flow: a cognitive state where one is completely immersed in an activity. It involves intense focus, creative engagement, and the loss of awareness of time and self.
-Psychology Today
Flow State Trauma offers trauma-informed self defense and private Brazilian Jiu Jitsu lessons.
Schedule a session that tailors to your needs:
Group rates
Sliding scale options
Crime Victim Compensation (CVC) payments accepted
Schedule your first free consultation today!
- 100 US dollars
- 100 US dollars
- Price Varies
A Bit About Me
Your Self Defense Instructor: Jeremiah Brunner
-Owner of Flow State De-Escalation and Consulting, LLC
-19 years in law enforcement
* Jefferson County's Detective of the Year 2020*
-Over 14 of those as an investigator.
-Hundreds of hours of interviews
- Studied multiple courses on trauma, stress, interviewing, and teaching.
- Added to trauma-informed training and understanding by continuous consultation with licensed therapists and victim advocates.
- A student of a variety of martial arts over the years, including the rank of balck belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ).
-Hundreds of hours of teaching in a classroom and on a mat.
- "I'm passionate, playful, mindful, and open. Let's grow and improve together!"

Usually, a well thought answer makes an aggressor think twice.
- Helio Gracie -

Reach Out Today!
Mailing Address: 3879 E. 120th Ave #304, Thornton, CO, 80233